{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module Cat.Equivalence where

open import Cat.Prelude

module _ {ℓa ℓb : Level} where
     = ℓa  ℓb

  module _ {A : Set ℓa} {B : Set ℓb} where
    -- Quasi-inverse in [HoTT] §2.4.6
    -- FIXME Maybe rename?
    AreInverses : (f : A  B) (g : B  A)  Set 
    AreInverses f g = (g  f  idFun A) × (f  g  idFun B)

    module AreInverses {f : A  B} {g : B  A}
      (inv : AreInverses f g) where
      open Σ inv renaming (fst to verso-recto ; snd to recto-verso) public
      obverse = f
      reverse = g
      inverse = reverse

    Isomorphism : (f : A  B)  Set _
    Isomorphism f = Σ (B  A) λ g  AreInverses f g

  _≅_ : Set ℓa  Set ℓb  Set _
  A  B = Σ (A  B) Isomorphism

symIso :  {ℓa ℓb} {A : Set ℓa}{B : Set ℓb}  A  B  B  A
symIso (f , g , p , q)= g , f , q , p

module _ {ℓa ℓb ℓc} {A : Set ℓa} {B : Set ℓb} (sB : isSet B) {Q : B  Set ℓc} (f : A  B)  where

  Σ-fst-map : Σ A (\ a  Q (f a))  Σ B Q
  Σ-fst-map (x , q) = f x , q

  isoSigFst : Isomorphism f  Σ A (Q  f)  Σ B Q
  isoSigFst (g , g-f , f-g) = Σ-fst-map
    , (\ { (b , q)  g b , coe (\ i  Q (f-g (~ i) b)) q })
    , funExt (\ { (a , q)  Σ≡ ((\ i  g-f i a)
        , let r = symP (transp-iso' ((λ i  Q (f-g (i) (f a)))) q) in
          coe (\ i  PathP (\ j  Q (sB _ _  j₁  f-g j₁ (f a))  j₁  f (g-f j₁ a)) i j)) (coe  i₁  Q (f-g (~ i₁) (f a))) q) q) r )})
    , funExt (\ { (b , q)  Σ≡ ((\ i  f-g i b) , symP (transp-iso'  i  Q (f-g i b)) q))})

module _ { : Level} {A B : Set } {f : A  B}
  (g : B  A) (s : {A B : Set }  isSet (A  B)) where

  propAreInverses : isProp (AreInverses {A = A} {B} f g)
  propAreInverses x y i = ve-re , re-ve
    ve-re : g  f  idFun A
    ve-re = s (g  f) (idFun A) (fst x) (fst y) i
    re-ve : f  g  idFun B
    re-ve = s (f  g) (idFun B) (snd x) (snd y) i

module _ { : Level} {A B : Set } (f : A  B)
  (sA : isSet A) (sB : isSet B) where

  propIsIso : isProp (Isomorphism f)
  propIsIso = res
        module _ (x y : Isomorphism f) where
          module x = Σ x renaming (fst to inverse ; snd to areInverses)
          module y = Σ y renaming (fst to inverse ; snd to areInverses)
          module xA = AreInverses {f = f} {x.inverse} x.areInverses
          module yA = AreInverses {f = f} {y.inverse} y.areInverses
          -- I had a lot of difficulty using the corresponding proof where
          -- AreInverses is defined. This is sadly a bit anti-modular. The
          -- reason for my troubles is probably related to the type of objects
          -- being hSet's rather than sets.
          p :  {f} g  isProp (AreInverses {A = A} {B} f g)
          p {f} g xx yy i = ve-re , re-ve
            module xxA = AreInverses {f = f} {g} xx
            module yyA = AreInverses {f = f} {g} yy
            setPiB :  {X : Set }  isSet (X  B)
            setPiB = setPi  _  sB)
            setPiA :  {X : Set }  isSet (X  A)
            setPiA = setPi  _  sA)
            ve-re : g  f  idFun _
            ve-re = setPiA _ _ xxA.verso-recto yyA.verso-recto i
            re-ve : f  g  idFun _
            re-ve = setPiB _ _ xxA.recto-verso yyA.recto-verso i
          1eq : x.inverse  y.inverse
          1eq = begin
            x.inverse                   ≡⟨⟩
            x.inverse  idFun _         ≡⟨ cong  φ  x.inverse  φ) (sym yA.recto-verso) 
            x.inverse  (f  y.inverse) ≡⟨⟩
            (x.inverse  f)  y.inverse ≡⟨ cong  φ  φ  y.inverse) xA.verso-recto 
            idFun _  y.inverse         ≡⟨⟩
          2eq :  i  AreInverses f (1eq i)) [ x.areInverses  y.areInverses ]
          2eq = lemPropF p _ _ 1eq
          res : x  y
          res i = 1eq i , 2eq i

-- In HoTT they generalize an equivalence to have the following 3 properties:
module _ {ℓa ℓb  : Level} (A : Set ℓa) (B : Set ℓb) where
  record Equiv (iseqv : (A  B)  Set ) : Set (ℓa  ℓb  ) where
      fromIso      : {f : A  B}  Isomorphism f  iseqv f
      toIso        : {f : A  B}  iseqv f  Isomorphism f
      propIseqv    : (f : A  B)  isProp (iseqv f)

    -- You're alerady assuming here that we don't need eta-equality on the
    -- equivalence!
    _~_ : Set ℓa  Set ℓb  Set _
    A ~ B = Σ _ iseqv

    inverse-from-to-iso :  {f} (x : _)  (fromIso {f}  toIso {f}) x  x
    inverse-from-to-iso x = begin
      (fromIso  toIso) x ≡⟨⟩
      fromIso (toIso x)   ≡⟨ propIseqv _ (fromIso (toIso x)) x 

    -- | The other inverse law does not hold in general, it does hold, however,
    -- | if `A` and `B` are sets.
    module _ (sA : isSet A) (sB : isSet B) where
      module _ {f : A  B} where
        module _ (iso-x iso-y : Isomorphism f) where
          open Σ iso-x renaming (fst to x ; snd to inv-x)
          open Σ iso-y renaming (fst to y ; snd to inv-y)

          fx≡fy : x  y
          fx≡fy = begin
            x             ≡⟨ cong  φ  x  φ) (sym (snd inv-y)) 
            x  (f  y)   ≡⟨⟩
            (x  f)  y   ≡⟨ cong  φ  φ  y) (fst inv-x) 

          propInv :  g  isProp (AreInverses f g)
          propInv g t u = λ i  a i , b i
            a : (fst t)  (fst u)
            a i = funExt hh
              hh :  a  (g  f) a  a
              hh a = sA ((g  f) a) a  i  (fst t) i a)  i  (fst u) i a) i
            b : (snd t)  (snd u)
            b i = funExt hh
              hh :  b  (f  g) b  b
              hh b = sB _ _  i  snd t i b)  i  snd u i b) i

          inx≡iny :  i  AreInverses f (fx≡fy i)) [ inv-x  inv-y ]
          inx≡iny = lemPropF propInv _ _ fx≡fy

          propIso : iso-x  iso-y
          propIso i = fx≡fy i , inx≡iny i

        module _ (iso : Isomorphism f) where
          inverse-to-from-iso : (toIso {f}  fromIso {f}) iso  iso
          inverse-to-from-iso = begin
            (toIso  fromIso) iso ≡⟨⟩
            toIso (fromIso iso)   ≡⟨ propIso _ _ 

    fromIsomorphism : A  B  A ~ B
    fromIsomorphism (f , iso) = f , fromIso iso

    toIsomorphism : A ~ B  A  B
    toIsomorphism (f , eqv) = f , toIso eqv

module _ {ℓa ℓb : Level} (A : Set ℓa) (B : Set ℓb) where
  -- A wrapper around Prelude.≃
    module _ {obverse : A  B} (e : isEquiv obverse) where
      inverse : B  A
      inverse b = fst (fst (e .equiv-proof b))

      reverse : B  A
      reverse = inverse

      areInverses : AreInverses obverse inverse
      areInverses = funExt verso-recto , funExt recto-verso
        recto-verso :  b  (obverse  inverse) b  b
        recto-verso b = begin
          (obverse  inverse) b ≡⟨ μ b 
          μ : (b : B)  obverse (inverse b)  b
          μ b = snd (fst (e .equiv-proof b))
        verso-recto :  a  (inverse  obverse) a  a
        verso-recto a = begin
          (inverse  obverse) a ≡⟨ sym h 
          a'                    ≡⟨ u' 
          c : isContr (fiber obverse (obverse a))
          c = e .equiv-proof (obverse a)
          fbr : fiber obverse (obverse a)
          fbr = fst c
          a' : A
          a' = fst fbr
          allC : (y : fiber obverse (obverse a))  fbr  y
          allC = snd c
          k : fbr  (inverse (obverse a), _)
          k = allC (inverse (obverse a) , recto-verso (obverse a))
          h : a'  inverse (obverse a)
          h i = fst (k i)
          u : fbr  (a , refl)
          u = allC (a , refl)
          u' : a'  a
          u' i = fst (u i)

      iso : Isomorphism obverse
      iso = reverse , areInverses

    toIsomorphism : {f : A  B}  isEquiv f  Isomorphism f
    toIsomorphism = iso

    ≃isEquiv : Equiv A B isEquiv
    Equiv.fromIso     ≃isEquiv {f} (f~ , iso) = gradLemma f f~ rv vr
      rv : (b : B)  _  b
      rv b i = snd iso i b
      vr : (a : A)  _  a
      vr a i = fst iso i a
    Equiv.toIso        ≃isEquiv = toIsomorphism
    Equiv.propIseqv    ≃isEquiv = propIsEquiv

  open Equiv ≃isEquiv public

module _ {ℓa ℓb : Level} {A : Set ℓa} {B : Set ℓb} where
  module _ {ℓc : Level} {C : Set ℓc} {f : A  B} {g : B  C} where

    composeIsomorphism : Isomorphism f  Isomorphism g  Isomorphism (g  f)
    composeIsomorphism a b = f~  g~ , inv
      open Σ a renaming (fst to f~ ; snd to inv-a)
      open Σ b renaming (fst to g~ ; snd to inv-b)
      inv : AreInverses (g  f) (f~  g~)
      inv = record
        { fst = begin
          (f~  g~)  (g  f)≡⟨⟩
          f~  (g~  g)  f≡⟨ cong  φ  f~  φ  f) (fst inv-b) 
          f~  idFun _  f    ≡⟨⟩
          f~  f              ≡⟨ (fst inv-a) 
          idFun A
        ; snd = begin
          (g  f)  (f~  g~)≡⟨⟩
          g  (f  f~)  g~≡⟨ cong  φ  g  φ  g~) (snd inv-a) 
          g  g~              ≡⟨ (snd inv-b) 
          idFun C

  composeIso : {ℓc : Level} {C : Set ℓc}  (A  B)  (B  C)  A  C
  composeIso {C = C} (f , iso-f) (g , iso-g) = g  f , composeIsomorphism iso-f iso-g

  symmetryIso : (A  B)  B  A
  symmetryIso (inverse , obverse , verso-recto , recto-verso)
    = obverse
    , inverse
    , recto-verso
    , verso-recto

preorder≅ : ( : Level)  Preorder _ _ _
preorder≅  = record
  { Carrier = Set  ; _≈_ = _≡_ ; _∼_ = _≅_
  ; isPreorder = record
    { isEquivalence = equalityIsEquivalence
    ; reflexive = λ p
       coe p
      , coe (sym p)
      , funExt  x  inv-coe p)
      , funExt  x  inv-coe' p)
    ; trans = composeIso
  module _ { : Level} {A B : Set } {a : A} where
    inv-coe : (p : A  B)  coe (sym p) (coe p a)  a
    inv-coe p =
        D : (y : Set )  _  y  Set _
        D _ q = coe (sym q) (coe q a)  a
        d : D A refl
        d = begin
          coe (sym refl) (coe refl a) ≡⟨⟩
          coe refl (coe refl a)       ≡⟨ coe-neutral _ 
          coe refl a                  ≡⟨ coe-neutral _ 
      in pathJ D d p
    inv-coe' : (p : B  A)  coe p (coe (sym p) a)  a
    inv-coe' p =
        D : (y : Set )  _  y  Set _
        D _ q = coe (sym q) (coe q a)  a
        k : coe p (coe (sym p) a)  a
        k = pathJ D (trans (coe-neutral _) (coe-neutral _)) (sym p)
      in k

setoid≅ : ( : Level)  Setoid _ _
setoid≅  = record
  { Carrier = Set 
  ; _≈_ = _≅_
  ; isEquivalence = record
    { refl = idFun _ , idFun _ , (funExt λ _  refl) , (funExt λ _  refl)
    ; sym = symmetryIso
    ; trans = composeIso

setoid≃ : ( : Level)  Setoid _ _
setoid≃  = record
  { Carrier = Set 
  ; _≈_ = _≃_
  ; isEquivalence = record
    { refl = idEquiv _
    ; sym = invEquiv
    ; trans = compEquiv

module _ { : Level} {A B : Set } where
  isoToPath : (A  B)  (A  B)
  isoToPath = ua  fromIsomorphism _ _

  -- Equivalence is equivalent to isomorphism when the equivalence (resp.
  -- isomorphism) acts on sets.
  module _ (sA : isSet A) (sB : isSet B) where
    equiv≃iso : (f : A  B)  isEquiv f  Isomorphism f
    equiv≃iso f =
        obv : isEquiv f  Isomorphism f
        obv = toIso A B
        inv : Isomorphism f  isEquiv f
        inv = fromIso A B
        re-ve : (x : isEquiv f)  (inv  obv) x  x
        re-ve = inverse-from-to-iso A B
        ve-re : (x : Isomorphism f)  (obv  inv) x  x
        ve-re = inverse-to-from-iso A B sA sB
        iso : isEquiv f  Isomorphism f
        iso = obv , inv , funExt re-ve , funExt ve-re
      in fromIsomorphism _ _ iso

module _ {ℓa ℓb : Level} {A : Set ℓa} {B : Set ℓb} where
  -- Equivalence is equivalent to isomorphism when the domain and codomain of
  -- the equivalence is a set.
  equivSetIso : isSet A  isSet B  (f : A  B)
     isEquiv f  Isomorphism f
  equivSetIso sA sB f =
      obv : isEquiv f  Isomorphism f
      obv = toIso A B
      inv : Isomorphism f  isEquiv f
      inv = fromIso A B
      re-ve : (x : isEquiv f)  (inv  obv) x  x
      re-ve = inverse-from-to-iso A B
      ve-re : (x : Isomorphism f)        (obv  inv) x  x
      ve-re = inverse-to-from-iso A B sA sB
      iso : isEquiv f  Isomorphism f
      iso = obv , inv , funExt re-ve , funExt ve-re
    in fromIsomorphism _ _ iso